VOrb Configuration Files

The easiest way to configure the VOrb driver is to use a configuration file premade for the application you want to use. Some configuration files are available online from:



To use a premade file:


Presuming you have configured or reconfigured VOrb and want to save your settings to a file to give to a colleague or for archival purposes:


What is the "Sets" popup near the bottom of the InputSprocket configuration dialog?

Its another means to save and keep several different configuration sets for the currently open application. The sets popup is a great feature when trying out different settings or when you have different settings for the same application but for different purposes.

When using the "sets" popup, sets for all InputSprocket applications are stored in a single "InputSprocket Preferences" file in the preferences folder of your system folder. This makes it difficult to share or import individual settings. In addition, this file will be removed if you ever do a "clean install" of the MacOS.

After "importing" a configuration file, we often resave that set with "Save set" from the "Sets" popup menu.

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