InputSprocket Applications

Last revised 980919.

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Element types recognized


Descent 3dfx     Excellent rework of Descent for 3dfx cards. Includes InputSprocket support!
Descent II v1.2

3d mine tunnel robot shooter game.

There is no up!

Scalar values on 3 translational axis and 3 rotational axis!

Excellent program for showing off the capabilities of VOrb and the SpaceTec IMC SpaceOrb!

Make sure you Install Descent II and patch it to version 1.2. The patch is available from:

If Descent II starts crashing when you try and start it, delete its preference file in the system folder (be sure and empty the trash). Then try again and again (yes twice). There seems to be some association between crashing and changing your AppleTalk connection.

The rz axis needs to be reversed.

Try mapping a button to the thrust axis input and another to the turbo charger.

Can't find a place to purchase Descent II from? Try:



Marathon Infinity v1.5

Klingon Honor Guard

First person 3d shooter games.

Violence and gore galore.

Scalar rotation on horizontal and vertical axis.

Rx and Ry rotational axes need to be configured as "delta" inputs. If they're configured as axis inputs, these games aren't as playable.

To configure the rotations as "deltas" you may need to option click on the axes buttons. Deltas are listed before their axes counterparts. Also, you will need VOrb 1.0.2d1 or later.

The three translational axis can all be mapped to button actions for:

  • forward and backward movement
  • left and right sidestepping
  • jumping and crouching

Remember that mapping a controller button (ie. C) to forward or run can be very helpful.

(Quake seems to have a problem side stepping right -- anyone who this doesn't happen to or has a clue why it happens, please email us.)




Element types recognized


3d World v3.0 3d design program Scalar input from all axes!

Two modes of operation:

  • View control (rz controls camera zoom -- cool!)
  • Object position and orientation.

Buttons are configured to switch between operation modes, go to home views, and etc.

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